
fuel your life

10-Day Spring Cleanse

Spring Cleanse Collage

Add a Little Spring in Your Step – Starting April 21st!

10-Days of Customizeable Detox, straight to your inbox 

Only $150

Register by April 18th / Retail Value of  $499


The bad news: changing habits is hard work.

The good news: I’m here to help! 


What is a Detox?

A detox isn’t just a fad diet or a temporary fix. A detox a kickstart to help you break old habits, form new ones, and make changes that will last a lifetime. A detox cleans up your food, your exercise and your daily habits that keep you feeling weighted down. You eat healthy food, learn how to exercise for energy and get rid of the negative thinking that clogs your brain.

Here’s what a detox can do for you:

– Improve Digestion

– Lose weight

– Get stronger

– Fight Fatigue and exhaustion

– Reduce Bloat and Excess Water

– Release stress

– Regain energy

– Live healthy and happy. Because you deserve it.

It is not about starving yourself, feeling deprived and exhausted or about dropping 20 pounds in 10 days. It is about helping you feel lighter, brighter and be the absolute best, most real version of you. 

Why Detox?

Detoxing undoes what you do in your everyday life. When you eat too much, drink too much, exercise too little or the wrong way, and let the stress and sleep deprivation pile up, you let toxins and tension build up. All this build up can wreak havoc on your body, stress you out more, and continue the cycle. All of this leaves you unenergized, unhealthy, and mostly likely feeling a little lackluster in your life.

This is where a detox comes in. It will help you to undo and reverse what your everyday life does, so you can recharge, get energized and love the healthy, happy life you deserve!


What’s involved?

10 days of clean eating, including a mapped out 3 day juice/smoothie cleanse to kickstart your de-hibernation and get you light and energized in no time. Get rid of the junk and let the light shine through!

10 days of exercise: Stretch, strengthen, and sweat off those winter layers with a mapped out, self-guided exercise plan. This plan is designed to help you get off the couch, out of your chair, and loving your workout in no time. Get up, get moving, and get energized!

In addition to food and exercise plans, it also includes 10 days of deeper detox, through daily inspirations, guide sheets, and time for reflection.

How does it Differ?

Most cleanses offer you plenty of juice recipes or clean eating suggestions. While there is some support along the way, it is mostly focused on the juicing, the detoxifying, and the food portion. And this IS important – because feeding your body good food and flushing out your digestive tract is important to detoxifying – but its not the only part.

There are two other components that you will find in the 10 Day Spring Cleanse program that are essential, but often missing, from a cleanse program.

1) Exercise: Most programs encourage it, but rarely are the exercises mapped out for you. If you are new to exercise, or looking for a way to maintain during a cleanse, it is important to have some markers laid out for you along the way.

2) Digging Deeper: meditations, mantras/quotes, journaling, and guided exercises to help you discover what is really stressing you out, why it’s so stressful, and what you can do about it. THIS is where the real detox happens. Releasing stress, means you automatically feel happier, you fell energized, and you are more likely to make positive/healthy choices throughout the day – without even trying.

One of the best parts of this program is the bonus feature: you get 3 E-Guides that you can download and use to redo the cleanse at any time. The guides are for food, exercise, and digging deeper. And the super amazing thing about these guides? They are customizeable, meaning you get to choose the ingredients you use, the exercise moves you perform, and the things YOU need to declutter from your life.

This short program is the real thing – it’s like a 10-day workshop sent straight to your inbox, so you can do it anywhere, at any time that works for you – and it works to clear out and declutter mind-body-soul. You’ll feel lighter inside and out, from head to toe.


How does it work? 

One of the best things about this plan is it is customizeable to your needs. No juicer? No worries, you can blend your way to the finish line. Need more than just juice? No worries, you can opt for add-ins. Hate following recipes? No problems there! You get to pick-n-choose what you eat/drink and how you put it together with simple guides and food groups for you to choose from. And your exercise is customizeable to, so you don’t have to get bored with the same thing everyday or do the exercises that you just hate and might keep you from exercising at all.

There are no strict dietary guidelines or exercise systems to follow. You simply pick a set number from each group, design your own juices, smoothies, meals, and exercises. It’s a simple, fun, and challenging as YOU need it to be!

After you sign up, you will receive confirmation (with are in 48 hours) that you are enrolled in the programs. You will receive your package of guides and plans, all detailed and mapped out for you the week of the program start.

Here is the rundown of everything you will receive:

– Customizable exercise plan: 10 days of exercise guidelines with pick-n-choose exercises each day, so you get to do what you like and still see results. 

– Customizable meal plan: a 7 page guide of what the options are, how to put them together, and what the juicing portion entails. 

– Private Facebook group where you can chat with others and lean on each other for support

– 2 Group coaching calls  (on day 3 and day 8) to help you push through any barriers or share your successes

– Daily inspirations, guide sheets, and meditations straight to your inbox to deepen the detox and help seal in the progress you’ve made. 

Get ready for some major changes and some major fun this Spring!

Eat. Drink. Be Merry.


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